Friday, August 24, 2007


Yesterday Carson and I had a run-in. This was shortly after Chase and I had already had words. I had not been home for even 10 minutes. I mentioned to someone yesterday that things had been going pretty well...for the first week of school-----STOP! I usually know better than to jinx myself by saying things such as this. Apparantly NOT......STUPID! After Mike made his way home from Fayetteville he sat them down and they had a come-to-Jesus meeting. No more. Ain't happening. 0 tolerance. CONSISTENCY! It'll be a test of wills...a battle. Dear Lord...just pray for us...or maybe you should pray for them!
On to the next battle: The diet is going OK. I feel like I've done pretty well. I've been kinda going back to the Weight Watcher's diet. Lots and lots of water. I got on the scales this morning. Still at just one lb....which is fine (not really but I guess I'll take it.) I've been meaning to have Mike take a picture of me. In my undies. I know what you're thinking so stop it. It will be the BEFORE picture. Shall I post it? Oh...I don't think so, Tim! Maybe after I've lost my goal of 75 (or realistically 50) and after I've had a boob job. That is my ultimate reward. Mike and I decided that together. What good are new boobs, though with hanging sagging skin? One of those things that make you go eee-uuuu-wwwww!!!
Carson started football this week. I sit and visit with Chip and Tammy during practice. Tammy told me yesterday to bring my walking shoes. Fine with me. She'll be my butt kicker. Just please don't leave me in the dust, Tammy. Oh I'm trying! It's always a mind thing with me, though. I feel motivated. I've started out with a positive attitude. I'm ready. I've been good out of the chute now the race is on. Gettin' skinny.....

One pound at a time!!