Thursday, August 9, 2007

High School memories and memories to come???

Being that we are on the tail end of a high school reunion, I just so happened to come across this picture while I was on my home computer. Kody's Senior year when his baseball team won the state championship. The high school years are so much fun - and then they grow up on ya. That's Kody, second from the right on the bottom row.

NOW, we're trying to get Chase through a correspondence course for the infamous North Pulaski High School..Home of the fighting Falcons. ;) This is the final countdown...his cram session.

A dear, sweet, wonderful, gracious, special, loving friend of ours has been tutoring him. I love you Cheryl Weinberg. We owe you BIG. Well, I guess we should see if he passes first, huh. (wink)! So when you think about it tomorrow (Friday)...take a moment and pray. Pray without ceasing. This kid needs to pass!

Prayerfully yours