Sunday, January 11, 2009

To Top It Off

And a good ending to my good day it was (sarcasm).
Or maybe a bad beginning to the next day.
Carson woke us up at 2:30 AM.
He had thrown up.
See I told you I ate too much he said.
Remember he had eaten his favorite.
And yes, of course, that's what he threw up.
All night long.
We sent him back to bed after the first round. I asked Mike if he had given him something to throw up in.
No. He can make it to the bathroom he said.
Yeah right I thought.
And of course he didn't for the 2nd round.
Mike took the first shift and attempted to sleep in the recliner while Carson layed on the couch and puked every 15 minutes. Have I told you how much I love that man? I got up after a few hours and took over. At that point it was every hour. He's been asleep all day.
At the moment he's attempting to eat some chicken noodle soup and some Sprite. Mike is on his way to Wally World (again) for some Gatorade...and something sweet for the non-sickies.
Carson's been a sick little boy.
I hate it.
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Karen Dismuke said...

Give him some Pedilite. Someone suggested it to me last year when I had a bug. It really helps to get rid of those body aches ... faster than Gatorade, for me anyway.