Sunday, February 15, 2009

My Valentine

What are your middle names?
Michael Preston and Shannon Dee
How long have you been together?
Around 22 years give or take a break up or two and married for 18.
How long did you know each other before you started dating?
Hmmmm. Kind of a hard question. We went to school together beginning in Jr. High but Mike was always around football and baseball and since my brothers played I'm sure we made eye contact at some point. Destiny. That's what it was. He says that he remembers seeing me in my little pee wee cheerleading outfit while he was on the football field (running a touchdown I'm quite sure) and knowing that he was going to marry me. Ahem.....YEAH RIGHT!
Who asked who out?
I would have never done that so I'm sure it was him. And to be quite honest we were both dating other people. (ouch) It was Thanksgiving day and we went to the Cinema 150 to see Top Gun.
How old are each of you?
Mikey G is the big 40 and in 11 days I'll be 39 and forever holding.
Whose siblings do/ did you see the most?
His. He has 3 siblings who all live locally. I have a brother in Texas and my other brother that lives here in town...well...I don't see him too often. We've really gotten away from so many Sanders family outings. I kinda miss you crazy people. Yeah - I'm talking to you Lisa!
Do you have any children together?
3 lovely boys!
What about pets?
Unfortunately....yes. Cricket the incredibly annoying teacup Yorkshire Terrier. Anybody want a dog?

♥ Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple?

Right now...finances. We're in a transitional period AND we need a new car!

Did you go to the same school?

Yes. Jr High and High School

Are you from the same home town?

Mike actually grew up in SW Little Rock until he was about 8 or so and then moved to this area. I was born and raised here.

♥ Who is the smartest?

I am of course. Okay so not really. For the first several years of our marriage I thought I was the smarter one. I guess the old saying is find out the older you get the less you really know. Mike is certainly smarter than me. He has taught me so much about my own self.

Who is the most sensitive?

Really? It is SO not me. I'm not one for compassion and lovey stuff. Just ask him - he'll tell you. When we watch chick flicks he'll look over at me to see if I'm crying. I laugh at him because he usually is. He's just a sensitive little fella.

Where do you eat out most as a couple?

Fast food is Wendy's and non fast food is usually Carino's.

Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?

Cozumel, Mexico.

♥ Who has the worst temper?

Oh hear Lord....MIKE SANDERS!

Who does the cooking?

When it actually happens it's usually me. Although Mike has been stepping up somewhat lately. And even Chase has taken a few turns...and I'm loving that!

Who is more social?

He's not called Mayor Mike for nothing!!! I HATE to be in social situations!

Who is the neat Freak?

Have you seen our house or car? Neither!

Who is the more stubborn?

I would say me on this one. And like Forest Gump says...that's all I've got to say about that.

Who hogs the bed?

I think we probably share equally.

Who wakes up earlier?


Where was your first date?

See heart bullet number 4.

♥ Who has the bigger family?

Him...see heart bullet number - Oh I don't know. You've already read it, though.

Do you get flowers often?

We discussed this just last week. I really can't tell you the last time I got flowers. It's nice and all - if you have expendable income. All is see is $ signs withering up. Clean my house, cook me dinner or take me shopping. That means more to me than anything. (Can you tell what my love language is?)

How do you spend the holidays?

We've always switched it up...although Christmas Eve is ALWAYS at my parents as well as 4th of July.

Who is more jealous?


How long did it take to get serious?

Not very.

Who eats more?

OMG. This question ain't even right!

Who does the laundry?

I do most all of the laundry. Changes are soon to come, though. I'm fixing to teach Chase AND Carson how to do their own. I have learned through trial and error that my children need to know how to do things on their own. And the earlier you teach them...the better off everyone is.

♥ Who’s better with the computer?

Mike works on them for a living!

Who drives when you are together?

We used to carpool to work together. He would drive to work (so I could put my face on) and I would drive home...while he always slept. He's out of town so much now that we rarely carpool because he has the company vehicle. But on the norm it's mostly him.

He had plans for Valentine's evening but Tammy called and needed help. She was shooting at a high school dance at the Clinton Library. Mike and I both went. It's so pretty there at night. Later we had dinner with the Blenden's and enjoyed our evening out.

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