Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Bad Along With The Good

Losing someone is never easy.
I would imagine it's especially tough when it's your own child.
I can't speak to that.
I've never been there.
And I pray that I'm never there.
But Mike and I have become friends with a group of people who have experienced this loss.
The girls.
That's how their referred to at my house.
Some people refer to them as the 3 Cheerleaders.
To read about their story go here.
I've shared about them before.
Plenty of times.
And here, too.
The anniversary of the accident is coming up next week.
On every anniversary there is a banquet.
It's FREE food.
But bring your checkbook.
Bring your checkbook.
The luncheon benefits the 3 Cheerleaders scholarship fund that you read about when you clicked above.
So this is just one of the many good things that come from such a horrific event.
Won't you come?
It's at Sherwood Forest from 11 to 2.
Won't you come and support this worthy cause and these 3 families?
Mike and I won't be in Kid's Church Sunday morning.
Mike has always been in charge of set up.
It's the least we could do foe these people that we have grown to love.

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