Thursday, March 5, 2009

Just Check It Out

For a couple months now Carson has been complaining of kidney pain. Conveniently it's been ever since he went to the doctor after having a fever and throwing up a time or two. The doc asked if it hurt when he peed and if his kidneys or back hurt.
So since then he says he has kidney pain.
I, in all my motherly wisdom, blew it off.
Ever heard of it?
I believe it's inherited.
I'll not say from who's side.
Mike told me to make him an appointment.
Yeah right.
I eventually did. Just to shut them up. Mike took him.
When leaving the Dr's office Mike gave me a ringy-dingy.
Me: So what's the deal?
Mike: He had some blood in his urine.
Me: Uuuummm.....really?
Mike: Yeah.
Okay so again for about the umpteenth time
I win the most coveted of all awards...
Mother Of The Year
After the urinalysis our pediatrician (and I DO love that man)actually watched him pee (to check his stream)and then wanted him seen by a urologist (Dr. Mooney).
The urologist sent him for ultrasounds of his kidneys and bladder just to make sure nothing else was really wrong but it all boils down to the fact that he needs a bigger pee opening. After a minor surgical procedure which will take place on the 27th he should be a 'new man'....if you know what I mean.
Not exactly sure where the blood in the urine (which is microscopic) is coming from. Could be because the opening is too small and I guess you could call it back pressure (same thing for the kidney pain...if there really actually is any:)) I informed the doctor that I had been diagnosed with hematuria. No causes or reason. I've had all kinds of tests. The doc wants to scope Carson at the time of his little surgery just to check it out and see. Probably nothing. But like Mike never know.
Just check it out and see.

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