Saturday, December 1, 2007

It Was What Time?

4 am.

Yes - it was.

4 am when I rolled into the drive-way this morning.

Earlier in the week Christina said that 2 of the teenage girls from church had offered to babysit on Friday night. She wanted to get a few people and go out. Sure. Sounds fun. I took the kids to church for her on Wednesday night because she stayed home with Bennett. He was sick and they spent some good time together. I drove Aaron's car because mine was way too junked out to put 27 kids in it and Aaron's already had car seats in it. I thought it was pretty cool to dive his rig. We also talked earlier in the day because she wanted to go to the Women's Ministry Christmas Banquet. She and Beth went together. It was a nice evening. Christy Garner's mother spoke and was very inspiring. I've gotten a few ideas from her but more about that later. Stacy and I sat together at a table with other women we did not know. Our conversation most of the night was on the latest news but while we were chatting Christina came to visit. Somehow I end up sitting there bawling as we talked to her. How'd that happen? Oh my gosh. I hate crying and I felt kinda stupid because I felt like I just rambled on....but I think she understood my point. OK....I digress...back to the real story.

So we talk and decide that we'll go eat Chinese food and then play it by ear for after dinner. Brandy came along with us. Just us three. Christina and I ended up discussing how much we like to be at home. How we really kinda dread 'going and doing' but once we get up and out....we're fine. I told her that Mike is always the socializer in our family...he likes to go and be entertained and mix and mingle. She said Aaron was the same. No great surprise there, huh? So we made ourselves get up and go. Meredith and Katie thank you so much for volunteering to keep the kids. Please do it again soon.

As we leave from the Chinese place we head to West Little Rock. Brandy wanted to go to Williams Sonoma. Why on earth would you want to go to a luggage store. What? It's not luggage? It's a pretty cool kitchen store. Ok, so not really that cool. Christina and I just kinda meandered around aimlessly whilst Brandy just had the best time. I hate to cook. They have really cool stuff....a bit pricey...but cool. From there we decide to go see a move. It started at 10:10 so we went to Starbucks to kill some time. Brandy got one of their feature coffee's. It's no wonder I spilled half of it all over the table. That stuff was so heavy I could barely lift the cup. It was pretty stout. I think I needed to shave my tongue after I tasted it. Blah!
Off to the movies. Christina really wanted to go see August Rush. I had no idea what it was. We don't go see movies much and I had not seen any previews for it so it was fine by me.

$9.00. Yep. $9.00.
Good Lord Amighty-WOW!

So now I will take this moment and tell you that I would pay it again to see this movie.
Great flick!
A must see!
2 thumbs up!
5 stars!

Check out the preview on the sidebar to your right. Click the WB and then enter site. Next go to video. I got a text from Stacy tonight. They went to see it and she said it was awesome....I told ya! Although there was a preview that was shown prior to our movie. PS, I love You. Sad. Very sad. I hurt for Christina so much. It just seemed like horrible timing.
Back to Jacksonville to the McCoy's. We chatted with the babysitters for a bit and they headed on their way. I really intended on leaving. Right then. Not at 3:45....AM! We sat at the kitchen table chatting it up. We looked at pics of Aaron. We talked...we surely laughed-and of course we cried. We had some pretty interesting conversations last night didn't we girls? Especially at New China and in the car. Shaving ummm...legs? I'm glad I got to know you better Brandy. I'm sure we now know a little bit more about each other than we ever intended LOL!
I enjoyed myself. I hope it was good for you to get out, Christina. I know that it was hard. I wish that I could take the pain and the frustration away from you. I would do that for you.
Let's do it again....SOON!

Love you girl,
