Sunday, November 4, 2007

Fun Photo Session

Bennett loves to have his pictures taken. "I see" always comes after his picture is taken. He wanted me to take this one of him eating chocolate cake. He liked the picture because he could see that he had chocolate cake on his mouth.

Lanie and Bennett took my camera and shot their own pics.
Christina told me not to post the ones of her...but I don't listen well!
Bennett took this one of Mommy at the table working on her blog.
Lanie took a picture of Mr. Mike hanging more new pictures
in the kitchen while her mommy supervised.
Look at these next 2 pictures of Christina and Lanie.
They look exactly alike!!
Lanie...cracks me up!
I miss having little ones,


Beth said...

That picture of Lanie is hilarious! We love it!

Laurie said...

SO cute!! That is so funny of her and Christina. It feels good to see them smile. Thanks so much!